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Folklore formation "YASTRA" was established in Sofia at the end of 2015 by Elka Slavova. The name "YASTRA", was chosen from the rich heritage of the Macedonian dialects, it means "STAR".
Club "YASTRA" is a place for relax, meetings and entertainment for people with different backgrounds and general attraction for the Bulgarian folk dances. We are tirelessly carring the traditions of the Bulgarian folklore. A big driving factor is our the desire to give more Buglarians the opportunity to get in touch of the magic of the dance, and our boundless love for the dances originating from the different folklore areas- the fast and energetic ones from Shopska and Northern regions to the carefree ones from Tracian, Dobrudzha and Macedonian areas. This was the bulgarian folk dances and folklore will be not only preserved, but they will continue to live and thrive throughout the generations.

For its short history FF "YASTRA" has participated in Folklore festivals, competitions and charity concerts:

  • May 2016 - International Youth festival "Gergiovsko veselie" (St. Georges merriment) - Kremikovtzi
  • June 2016 - Folklore Festival "Na horo v Boyana" (round dance in Boyana) - Boyana
  • September 2016 - Folklore Festival "Okni pa tropni - 2" (Shout and stomp) - Prolesha
  • October 2016 - Folklore festival "Sandanski pee zaigrava, Pirin razliuliava" (Sandanski sings and dances, Pirin trembles) - Sandanski
  • October 2016 - Charity concert in Mall "Bulgaria" - Sofia
  • November 2016 - The anniversary concert of community center Simeonovo - Simeonovo
  • February 2017 - Charity concert of the ensemble "ZHAR" - "Da preborim zloto s horoto" (To defeat evil with a round dance) - Liberation Hall, Sofia
  • March 2017 - Charity concert for Blagoveshtenie (Christian holiday celebrating the Annunciation) - in vitro clinic Sofia
  • March 2017 - Folklore Festival "Proletno horo" (Spring round dance) - Velingrad
  • May 2017 - International Youth festival "Gergiovsko veselie" (St. Georges merriment) - Kremikovtzi
  • June 2017 - Charity concert to raise funds for the construction of an Orthodox temple "Vsichki Bulgarski Svetii" (All bulgarian sains)
  • June 2017 - Folklore Festival "Bilkite - dar ot prirodata" (herbs - a gift from nature)- Simeonovo
  • September 2017 - Concert in support of mothers with many children - Bankya
  • September 2017 - Concert of Sofia Municipality with "Women's Folk Choir Sofia" - Borisova Garden
  • September 2017 - Folklore Festival "Okni pa tropni - 3" (Shout and stomp) - Prolesha
  • September 2017 - International Folklore Festival "SEAHORSE" - Paralia Katerini, Greece
  • September 2017 - Novi Iskar
  • October 2017 - Charity concert - Liberation Hall, Sofia
  • December 2017 - Charity concert - nursing home "Longevity", Darvenitsa
  • March 2018 - XII festival "Horo se vie izviva" (round dance keeps twisting round and round)- Triaditsa Hall
  • April 2018 - We love Bulgaria - Billa
  • June 2018 - Village Fair - Gurmazovo
  • June 2018 - Dolna Malina Open Festival - part "Folklore and folk art"
  • June 2018 - Folklore Festival "Bilkite - dar ot prirodata" (herbs - a gift from nature)- Simeonovo
  • September 2018 - International Folklore Festival "The Magic of Venice" - Italy
  • September 2018 - Folklore Festival "Okni pa tropni - 4" (Shout and stomp) - Prolesha
  • September 2018 - Concert in support of mothers with many children - Bankya
  • November 2018 - National Folklore Festival "Nashensko Horo" (homebrew round dance)- Samokov
  • November 2018 - Charity concert - Liberation Hall, Sofia
  • April 2019 - Folklore Festival "Bolyarsko nadigravane" (Boyar's competitions) - Veliko Tarnovo (Mayor's Award and First place in the northern ruchenitsa competition)
  • May 2019 - Anniversary concert of "Women's Folk Choir Sofia" - Mladost, Sofia
  • May 2019 - Folklore Festival "Shopski Naniz" (Shopian strand)- Kostinbrod (Jury Award in two age categories)
  • June 2019 - Village Fair - Gurmazovo
  • June 2019 - Folklore Festival "Da sahranim Bulgarskoto" (to preserve the Bulgarian) - Tserovo
  • August 2019 - VII International Music and Folk Dance Festival "Bar Fest" - Montenegro (EAFF - ICH Advisor of UNESCO)
  • September 2019 - Folklore Festival "Okni pa tropni - 4" (Shout and stomp) - Prolesha
  • November 2019 - XI National Festival "Trakiiska broenica" (Thracian bead necklace) - Pazardzhik
  • August 2020 - Balkan Folk Fest 2020 - Golden Sands
  • September 2020 - National Assembly 2020 – Plovdiv
  • November 2020 – Festival Firrrmat Cameroon, CIOFF Africa Virtual Festival, CIOFF Cameroon
  • December 2020 - online festival Venezuela - Second dance and music festival "Venezuela of tradition international "
  • December 2020 - online festival India - 4th CU Rhythms International Folklore Festival
  • April 2021 - online festival Chile - VII Festival Folklórico Internacional Nuestras Raí
  • June 2021 - National Assembly 2021 – Plovdiv
  • Юни 2021 - Festival of folk art "Vidovdencheta" - Breznik
  • Юли 2021 - online festival Gran Canaria - XXVI Festival Internacional de Folklore Villa de Ingenio “Muestra solidaria de los Pueblos” (CIOFF)
  • August 2021 - IV International Folklore Festival "Folk Nuance" - Primorsko
  • August 2021 - online festival Ecuador - El coca vivelo 2021 IV festival Intenational folklorico grupal
  • October 2021 - online festival Argentina - 4th Anniversary of the Folk Group "EL VIEJO ALGARROBAL" of Formosa
  • October 2021 - international festival Gran Canaria - "V Festival intercultural de Gran Canaria" (CIOFF)
  • May 2022 - People's initiative for "Sunday people" - Sofia
  • June 2022 - VIII national festival "Lyubimoto mi horce" - Pleven
  • June 2022 - Culinary-folklore festival "Chukan bob s kopriva i horo se izviva" (Mashed beans and nettle and horo twists)  - Cherni Osam
  • August 2022 - V International festival "Folk-nyuansy-Bulagria-2022" - Sunny beach
  • July 2023 - XII Festival of folk "Horo pod Stratesh" - Lovech
  • August 2023 - Festival "Mbremja e kultures bullgare" - Durres, Albania